Sunday, December 8, 2013

How It All Began Part Quatro

In the fall of 2010, I had just split from my wife and Bubba had been separated for more than a year when he moved back to Maine from Florida. Both of us were out of work so we had some time to hang out. We didn't really do much but party.

One day while we were hanging out with our friend, Shawn Lipps (aka Lippa), the idea for "Chainsaws, Hookers and Blow" was born inside Bubba's head.

"Tell Bubba about that song idea we had," I said to Lippa.

He paused, looked at me and titled his head. He knew what song I was referring to. "Chainsaws, Hookers and Blow"! The title is shocking. I can understand Lippa's initial hesitation.

"Before I tell you the name of the song," said Lippa after a pause, "I have to put it in context. Alright?"

"Sure, go ahead," said Bubba looking up from his iPhone. He was always playing on that thing.

"A few years ago, when the video game 'Vice City' came out," explained Lippa. "Are you familiar with the game? Do you know which one I'm talking about?"

"Grand Theft Auto, right?" asked Bubba.

"Yes, that's right. Have you played the game at all?"

"No but I heard you steal cars and shoot cops. Does that about sum it up?"

"Well, yes, except for the fact that you can kill anybody in the game and do various missions such as dealing drugs and shit like that. This one guy I worked with at the time was really into the game. When it first came out, a bunch of us were talking about the game at work. We were in the back of the kitchen. This guy gets all excited when it was his turn to talk. He said, 'Just give me a chainsaw, some hookers to murder and some blow to sell.' Oh yeah, you can go around killing hookers in this game!" Lippa laughed. "And that's how we came up with the song name 'Chainsaws, Hookers and Blow'!"

"Chainsaws, Hookers and Blow!" repeated Bubba. "I fucking love it!"

Then he started improvising a melody. It sounded just like what I had envisioned in my mind when Lippa and I were first talking about the song.

Without Lippa, "Chainsaws, Hookers and Blow" would never have been written. Incidentally, a few years ago Lippa fell out of a third-story window onto concrete. It was a miracle he didn't die. He was less than a foot away from impaling himself on re-bar! He was in a lot of pain but still alive.

"I can hear the whole song in my head," said Bubba. "I know exactly what it would sound like. One day, I'm going to write that song."

It only took him almost three years to actually write the song and record it.

To be continued...

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