Sunday, December 8, 2013

How It All Begin Part Uno

Everyone loves an origin story! Everybody wants to know where Superman came from or why Batman got in to the crime-fighting business. Well, I suppose this particular story isn't quite the same as the ones I just mentioned but it clearly details the birth of Bubba and the Government Cheeze.

Bubba and I have been friends for a long time. In high school, we played in a couple of bands together (we also played in a couple of bands with Chad Robishaw too). Bubba was the best man at my wedding and I was his when he decided to get married. We've been through good times and bad times and have seen each other at our lowest and highest points in life. He's like the brother I never had.

One time, when we were sixteen years old, Bubba purchased his first music recording machine. It was a four-track audio recorder (he still owns the same one today). With this machine, Bubba could record different music tracks at different times and then mix them together and it would sound like all of the tracks were recorded at the same time. It was a pretty nifty piece of technology back in 1993. So after he bought the machine, he was held up in his mother's apartment for a few days learning how to use it. When he emerged from the apartment a few days later, he played me a recording of some songs he put together over the weekend. I nearly pissed myself laughing when I heard the songs.

I don't know how to describe the music because it wasn't very musical but I'll give it my best shot. Bubba had found his brother's acoustic guitar with two rubber strings that were out of tune and he recorded himself strumming a tune. Then in the background he was banging pots and pans with a spoon. Finally, he began singing in an Asian voice saying something to the extent of "a hooka haka high ga ocha go oh oh high ga ho." Enough said?

There were two other songs but I only remember one. It was called "Leon". Bubba was screwing around on the guitar and was just making racket. There were pots and pans for drums and other sound effects. The premise of the song was Bubba singing about this Leon character who farts and green smoke filled up the air. The pivotal line in the song was when Bubba said, "Don't touch the loaf, Leon." 

The second time he played the songs, I was in the car with Bubba, Chad and Nizzy (the same guy who wrote Satanic Seagull back in our Missing Youth days). Nizzy was driving and I remember he had to pull over because he was laughing so hard. He had tears rolling down his cheeks.

To be continued...

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